Lust For Youth - 'Compassion'


Having reached one of their greatest acclaims yet with their 2014 album 'International', Danish new romantics Lust For Youth return with their fourth studio album 'Compassion' in order to prolong their growing legacy. Taking huge influences from the 80s sound and combining it with a post-rock edge has given this band a brooding yet engaging style that seems to come together well on this new release.

While the opener 'Stardom' sets a morbid tone, not less when you realise the backing track sounds like the intro to a news broadcast, the album quickly perks up its pace and ends up being extremely positive in places. The uplifting pop bliss of 'Sudden Ambitions' delivers a much needed shot of adrenaline to this release and ultimately helps to display the band's own diverse direction.

'Compassion' may not be their best record to date but it still shows a great variety of interest within its walls. It's an album that needs to be listened in its entirety in order to really feel its energy, something seldom seen these days but always appreciated.

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