Menace Beach - 'Black Rainbow Sound'


Despite only releasing their previous album 'Lemon Memory' at the beginning of last year, it seems like Menace Beach have undergone a deep change to the dynamics of their sound. While this new release still exhibits the same blasts of noise and visceral power from time to time, the duo have reimagined how their band should sound by adding a more artificial aesthetic to their backdrop, giving this new record a more electronic feel and allowing them to experiment more with the atmosphere around their music.

Bringing in Brix Smith from The Fall for a number of tracks, 'Black Rainbow Sound' certainly stands as their most experimental release to date. The inclusion of Smith and their new intentions has seen the group try and develop a diverse collection of ideas, that seem on the money most of the time. The album has this incredibly well-rounded pace that allows each track to get under your skin without feeling jarring, and while the mood-driven style of this new release does sometimes drag itself out too long, the album is a well-crafted return throughout.

'Black Rainbow Sound' certainly sits as the beginning of a new wave in the Menace Beach sound. Rejecting much of the band's original direction, this new material sees them feel far more comfortable in their minimal and low-production style, showing that they are more than happy to evolve themselves and deliver something more challenging for their fans.

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