The Astronots - 'El Dorado'

US outfit crack out the killer riffs for this bold and anthemic Black Keys-inspired stomper

Bells Atlas - 'Final Ceiling'

Oakland-based outfit blend ethereal RnB with a psychedelic twist on this swooning new release

Callum Pitt - 'Forgotten Kids'

British frontman takes influence from The War On Drugs for this fresh and uplifting indie-rock gem

Candy Says - 'Gravity'

Oxford-based outfit preview their new EP with this pulsing electro-pop groove, with hints of Little Dragon

Bonsi - 'Space Of Where'

Bristol-based producer takes her cues from Jessie Ware for this warm and ethereal new swoon

Fil Bo Riva - 'Different But One'

German frontman showcases his debut album with this soft and sweeping new release

Bloom - 'Ground'

Brighton-based outfit bring a synthwave vibe to their latest single, with nods to Robyn

Winona Forever - 'Gazing'

Canadian outfit add some serious soul to their latest indie-rock thumper, with hints of Tom Misch

TC Superstar - 'One And Only'

US outfit bring the same lo-fi electronic sound as Hot Chip to their latest electro-indie single

Foreign Diplomats - 'Road Rage'

Canadian outfit channel the expansive sound of Broken Social Scene for this warm and inviting indie-rock groove

Graduation - 'A Split Second'

US producer takes his cues from MGMT for this chilled and vibrant psych-pop delight

Wes Chiller - 'Mo Nothing'

US singer-songwriter delivers a wonderfully bliss, surf-rock-inspired jam, with hints of Mac DeMarco

Sleep Millennium - 'A War Letting Go Of You'

US outfit get anthemic with this bold yet haunting indie-rock belter, with nods to M83

Renwick - 'I Heard Your Song'

Australian frontman blends minimal indie-pop with an electronic edge on this catchy new release

Ruby Greenberg - 'Always'

US singer-songwriter delivers a beautifully sweeping and soothing piano-led ballad

More Reviews

The Beards - 'All The Bearded Ladies'
9 years 9 months ago

If you are a band of bearded men, called The Beards, write songs about beards, and have a album w

Love Inks - 'Exi'
9 years 9 months ago


Simian Mobile Disco - 'Whorl'
9 years 9 months ago


Pulled Apart By Horses - 'Blood'
9 years 9 months ago


Hong Kong - 'High Noon'
9 years 9 months ago


Interpol - 'El Pintor'
9 years 9 months ago


Zeus - 'Classic Zeus'
9 years 9 months ago
