Self Esteem - 'Prioritise Pleasure'


Ever since she broke away from her formative outfit Slow Club in recent years, her attitude towards music has been night and day for Rebecca Taylor in the years passed. Her 2019 debut solo album 'Compliments Please' cemented her as a fresh and nuanced pop artist that was focused entirely on establishing a new and empowering direction, creating this joyous and free individual finally following her dreams within her guise. And after a few years of acclaim and buzz behind her, she returns with her sophomore studio album 'Prioritise Please', a record that builds on the momentum of its predecessor.

From the very start, 'Prioritise Pleasure' wears its heart on its sleeve. While 'Compliments Please' had a more subtle approach to its subject matter, this new collection keeps its emotional drive front and centre as Taylor confronts the troubled and exhausting experience of being a woman in these modern times. But what has made this full-length such an incredible step forward for her is its quotable lyrics. Each track has this brilliantly refreshing and blunt moment of poetic prose to it that reinforce not only the focus of the album's themes, but show us all the power and poise of her brutally honest songwriting.

Rebecca Taylor has certainly rebranded herself with this solo venture, but it never feels like a soft approach at any point. There is a firm and angered individual at the helm that has frankly had enough of being pushed into an identity that isn't herself, and she is now doing everything it takes to unleash her true self upon us all.

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