Courtney Marie Andrews - 'Old Flowers'


Since her earliest beginnings, Courtney Marie Andrews has always been one to wear her heart on her sleeve. Never looking to shy away from the complicated and hard-hitting emotion of real life romances, her music has always looked to explore the more vulnerable and frail aspects of relationships. But prior to the writing of this new collection, she suffered a devastating break up of her own, leaving her heartbroken and despondent. And just like any artist on a prolific streak, she channeled her feelings into this new release 'Old Flowers', a record that sees her in her most intimate state yet.

Courtney Marie Andrews has always felt like an artist wise beyond her years. With this becoming her fifth full-length to date, the frontwoman has yet to leave her 20s and so the album still has that essence of youth behind each of its works. But while the devastating loss of her long-term relationship remains the solid theme to her latest full-length, there always feels like light at the end of the tunnel within every song. Using minimal instrumentation and an echoed (almost haunted) production, she shares one bold and vibrant serenade after another, each looking to form a piece of her broken heart slowly building itself back together.

'Old Flowers' feels like something far more powerful from the frontwoman in recent years. While she has always looked to deliver bold and vibrant offerings throughout her career, there is something so timeless about these songs that it feels this is the start of a new side of her. Someone who is less afraid to show her true self on record and connect with the listener in a far more visceral way.

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