Edie Yvonne delivers new single 'Darkness Bliss'

After an incredible run of releases this past year already, LA-based artist Edie Yvonne continues her shimmering ascent with the wondrous new offering 'Darkness Bliss'.

Capturing a more emotive and progressive aesthetic this time around, 'Darkness Bliss' sees her return with one of her most alluring singles to date. With her broad and passionate vocal style layered across an atmospheric production from start to finish, she is continuing to shine as one of the more exciting names emerging right now.

While these last few months have certainly been an extremely prolific period for her, 'Darkness Bliss' shows that she is still very much on top of her creative game throughout. With such a confident and adventurous approach to her direction, we can't wait to hear what else she has up her sleeve for the months ahead as well.

Have a listen to 'Darkness Bliss' in the player below.