Half Waif - 'Lavender'


Over the years, frontwoman Nandi Rose Plunkett aka Half Waif has always looked to her own diverse upbringing for inspiration in her music. Her Celtic father and Indian mother lead her down an interesting path when it came to creating a truly mixed direction on her first two albums. But since the sudden death of her grandmother, to which this album is named after, the themes of life, death and the passing of time have become the core to this new record and seen her adopt a more sorrowful and humbled demeanour.

While 'Lavender' is certainly not the most upbeat of subject matters, she does an incredible job at keeping her focus on the positives and has resulted it a sore yet uplifting feeling throughout the release. While her own musical experimentation has remained the most intriguing aspect of this new material, it is the change in her frame of mind that has helped give the album a more purposeful intention, delivering one well-production cut after another.

'Lavender' is certainly a smooth ride when it comes to pace. Plunkett has created a real ebb and flow within the record, helping us follow her along this journey of reflection. A solid return from an artist that truly knows how to captivate her audience.

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