Kaiser Chiefs - 'Duck'


It hardly seems more than a few years ago that Kaiser Chiefs first broke onto the scene with their anthemic debut album 'Employment'. But in reality, that record arrived way back in 2005 and since then the band have been chasing the heady dreams that they experienced in their initial years. With a bundle of so-so releases since then, and the ever-present threat of middle-age on their minds, the group have looked to create a huge hurrah on their seventh full-length 'Duck', an album that looks to pay ear service to those long-time fans.

From the very start, 'Duck' is out to have a good time. With the opener 'People Know How To Love One Another' exploding out of the gates, the record tries to reinvent that chaotic early sound in a more mature guise for their now ageing fanbase. But rather than slip into the self-indulgent and pretentious arena that so many other outfits in their position have done in the past, Kaiser Chiefs are still eager to let people know that they can still deliver a fun and vibrant collection of new and interesting ideas, even if they don't all land quite as well as they could have.

In all, 'Duck' is a great addition for the long-serving fans of the Leeds-based indie stalwarts, but never really looks to create much of an impact as it plays. It would be too much to say that they have lost their spark as its clear that there is still plenty of energy left in them, but this new full-length just lacks anything that could see them propelled into the realm of public interest again.

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