Daniel Trakell - 'Let Me Be'

Australian singer-songwriter previews his debut album with this fresh and lofty acoustic-led swoon

Alter Real - 'Cyber Personality' ft. Illa J

French producer blends bold electro-pop with a hip-hop vibe on this bouncing new release

Debris Discs - 'We Never Die'

British outfit bring the same otherworldly feel as MGMT to their latest psych-pop delight

John Lawrie & The Welcome Strangers - 'Know Me Better'

Australian outfit channel the ethereal feel of Nick Cave for this dark and pulsing new release

Latir - 'Wallflower' ft. Luvian

London-based frontman returns with another broad and soaring RnB-inspired swoon, with hints of The Avalanches

The Treble - 'All The People'

Canadian outfit keep our feet tapping with this bold and galloping indie-rock stomper

Freedom Fry - 'Tell Me It'll Be Alright'

US outfit take their cues from The Shins with this bright and euphoric indie-pop delight

Brian Scartocci - 'Trust In Love'

US frontman returns with another bright and soul-infused jam, with nods to Sam Cooke

Axel Flovent - 'Sea Creatures'

Icelandic singer-songwriter showcases his debut EP with this warm and wistful acoustic-led serenade

LUXXURY - '...At Any Moment'

US outfit add a dash of disco to their latest psych-pop release, with hints of Toro Y Moi

Grant Kilpatrick - 'Out My Mind'

British frontman takes influence from Oasis with this bold and powerful indie-rock stomper

Bad Honey - 'Stillness'

British outfit showcase their new EP with this warm and ethereal trip-hop-inspired gem

More Reviews

Tuxedo - 'Tuxedo'
9 years 3 months ago


Asylums - 'Wet Dream Fanzine' EP
9 years 3 months ago


Sea Change - 'Breakage'
9 years 3 months ago


MisterWives - 'Our Own House'
9 years 4 months ago


Dutch Uncles - 'O Shudder'
9 years 4 months ago


Charli XCX - 'Sucker'
9 years 4 months ago


Carl Barât & The Jackals - 'Let It Reign'
9 years 4 months ago
