Purity Ring - 'graves'


Throughout their tenure, Purity Ring have always been seen as the counter movement to the usually over-commercialised electro-pop sound that has found root in the last decade. Their original two studio albums 'Shrines' and 'Another Eternity' established them as a broad and inventive pair that were more keen in exploring darker underground textures than following suit to their contemporaries. But since their 2020 LP 'Womb', the pair have entered a new phase in their evolution, now returning with the new EP 'graves', a seven-track collection that sees them hark back to their formative guise.

From the very start, 'graves' sees the duo in a state of creative flux. While there are plenty of moments that see them embark on bolder and more adventurous tendencies, there is also a strong will to find solace and comfort in their original direction, creating this tension between the band moving forward and backwards simultaneously. While they search for an appropriate middle ground throughout this new EP, it does sometimes have trouble moving itself along and delivering something unique to them, making it one of their more harder to digest offerings of late.

But despite its identity troubles, 'graves' still has a rich and driven aesthetic to it that continues the vibrancy within the Purity Ring sound. Experimental in nature, this almost feels like a gambit towards where they hope their next studio full-length will end up, offering a suitable pit-stop before they continue their venture.

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