SASAMI - 'Squeeze'


When Sasami Ashworth delivered her stunning breakthrough debut album 'SASAMI' in 2019, many were lauding praise on her but not really able to define her in any way. Despite churning out one of the most impressive debut records of the last decade, she pursued a sound that was so distinctive and varied, it was near impossible to figure out how to label her work. And after a couple of years to decide on her next move, she has leant hard into this unique aesthetic as she returns with her sophomore full-length 'Squeeze', a record brimming with broad and inventive ideas.

Opening up with the nu-metal inspired belter 'Skin A Rat', it is clear right from the very start that this is going to be another adventurous venture into the unknown for both the listener and artist at the helm. From there, we are treated to an array of bold and euphoric alt-rock and indie-rock anthems that all seem to push the boundaries of her sound to date. With this blistering mix of thunderous and pulsing cuts running the length of this new collection, 'Squeeze' is not only a bold step forward for her, it also adds another enigmatic layer to her direction and creates yet another wonderfully distinctive listening experience.

SASAMI is quickly becoming known as one of the most chameleonic artists of the moment, and given this new offering, that reputation looks well deserved. 'Squeeze' is an uncompromising and unrattled descent into her own explorative intent, filled with rich and vibrant textures that rarely falter.

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