Twin Shadow - 'Eclipse'


While Twin Shadow has made a name for himself by combining the 80s new wave sound with a more modern ethereal approach, this third album sees the artist take on a more epic side to his sound. Taking inspiration from the power ballads of old, 'Eclipse' is a louder and more anthemic full-length than we have previously heard from him and makes for an incredibly engaging release.

Rather than simply follow the path he originally set for himself on previous albums 'Forget' and 'Confess', this new work shows an artist in the middle of his own musical revolution. While their are still hints and samples that mirror his former self, the overall tone of this new release is so much more aggressive than you may be expecting. With harsh percussion and soaring vocals, much of this new album aims to challenge the preconceptions of what his fans might be expecting and gives an incredibly well-produced snapshot of his current state of mind.

If their was one word to sum up 'Eclipse', it would be epic. Rich with a nostalgic angle to bold and uplifting pop music, the record takes you on a journey of discovery which seems to run in tandem with the artist at the centre of it. Showing that there is more to his sound than he had previously let on and doing so with such incredible aplomb.

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