Having already shared the news of her latest collaborative project with TOY and Dan Carey, Sexwitch, Bat For Lashes h
While he has already announced his plans to release a full covers album of Taylor Swift's recent full-length '1989',
In case you haven't heard, Run The Jewels have been working on a cat-inspired remix album of their incredible 2014 fu
Following on from her 2012 studio album ‘Halcyon', Ellie Goulding has now announced her plans to release a new full-l
Following on from 2014's full-length ‘Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes’, Thom Yorke has now unveiled a new piece of work for t
Following on from the release of his 'Playland' album last year, Johnny Marr has now announced the details of a new l
After Elbow announced a break earlier this year to focus on new projects, frontman Guy Garvey has now confirmed his p
Now just days away from releasing her next studio album, Lana Del Rey has shared yet another track from her forthcomi
As one of the hotly tipped new names in British music for the year ahead, Tuff Love have certainly been making a huge
With now just a few weeks before the band release their long-awaited third studio album, The Dead Weather have shared
After seven studio albums together, Welsh rockers Funeral For A Friend have announced their plans to split up.
Now just weeks away before the duo release their highly-anticipated new album, Disclosure have shared yet another cut
With it now just a few weeks before the band release their highly-anticipated new studio album, Chvrches have now sha
With already a few new singles under their belt, Hurts are back to deliver yet another preview of their forthcoming n
After announcing the news of their debut album earlier this year, Beach Slang have returned to deliver us another cut