Deportees - 'All Future'


We have become so used to artists from other countries breaking through to ours that we kind of think that we hear all the best each country has to offer, but in the case of Sweden's Deportees, that has not been the case. With five studio albums and a multitude of local awards already under their belt, including a Swedish Grammy for their 2015 LP 'The Big Sleep', the band have yet to venture far from their home nation, building up a stellar reputation that has remained only for the locals this last decade. But now they deliver their first studio album in the UK, 'All Future', and it sounds like are ready to make a lasting impression on our shores at last.

Members of Deportees are also part of touring bands for both Phoenix and Lykke Li, which has clearly had an influence on the sound this new record is trying to convey. With a distinctly progressive and euphoric style, the trio have returned with a universally appealing new collection that manages to pay as much homage to the underground scene as the commercial world. Taking cues from anthemic outfits like The National and The 1975, this new release manages to tread that tightrope between their own unique direction and finding a path that they can be proud to send out abroad.

The result is a beautifully warm and inviting collection that showcases exactly why their homeland has embraced them so fully. 'All Future' has this wonderfully uplifting thread running throughout, and shows us that great music can be appreciated no matter where you live.

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