King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - 'Omnium Gatherum'


Despite only entering the fold with their breakthrough debut album '12 Bar Bruise' in 2012, Australian psych-rockers King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard have now released an incredible twenty studio albums since then. While they have occasionally dabbled in a variety of genres throughout their tenure, including the glam-rock-inspired 'Fishing For Fishies' and the heavy metal nod 'Infest The Rat's Nest', their psychedelic offerings remain the bread and butter of their work to date. And after an incredible run so far, they deliver their latest sprawling new delight 'Omnium Gatherum', a record that looks to harness the core of their driven direction.

The first double album in their catalogue, 'Omnium Gatherum' instantly kicks off in true King Gizzard fashion with the cacophonous 18-minute opener 'The Dripping Tap', showing us all that after such an impressive prolific streak, they are still more than ready to surprise and invigorate their listener. And the diverse influences almost never cease throughout this broad and inventive new collection. With the chugging metal riffs of 'Gaia', the dream-pop flow of 'Magenta Mountain', or the acid-rock crests of 'Evilest Man', King Gizzard have looked to cement their adventurous spirit with their most eclectic release of their career.

While hearing all of their diverse inspirations under one roof may sound a bit much to take in, 'Omnium Gatherum' still manages to showcase the fun and ambitious side to their sound, creating something that really stands out amongst their efforts so far. It may not be the King Gizzard record their fans were expecting, but makes for a wildly enjoyable ride throughout.

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