Everything Everything - 'A Fever Dream'


To say that Everything Everything are more of an acquired taste would be a slight understatement. The band, now onto their fourth studio album, have had a difficult time convincing the mainstream market of their brilliantly unique sound since their conception. But after battling through the inquisitive looks, Everything Everything have now returned with what is most likely their most accessible record to date, delivering one belter after another.

If the album's lead single 'Can't Do' didn't give you an idea of the direction of this release, then not much else on here will. A progressive and interestingly produced pop-rock record, 'A Fever Dream' sits comfortably as a full-length with large ambitions yet still maintains that suitably irreverent vibe the band have always had. It keeps itself in check by creating a strong balance between the more radio-friendly cuts and their tendency to bedazzle the listener, creating something that really keeps you on your toes throughout.

In all, 'A Fever Dream' likes to think of itself as the band's more proficient release. Merging their classic sound with this more contemporary edge not only leaves them in a better place sonically, but also gives them room to grow as they continue their career.

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