laughghter release debut single 'Satan Stop The Wheel'

After spending much of the last few months building and developing their sound, London-based newcomers laughghter have now introduced themselves to the scene with their wondrous debut single 'Satan Stop The Wheel'.

Adopting a wonderfully broad and emotive aesthetic for their initial offering, 'Satan Stop The Wheel' makes for a beautifully rich and alluring introduction to their sound so far. With its bold and shimmering textures, haunted atmosphere, and compelling vocals layered throughout, they are kicking things off with a wildly absorbing opening number here.

While it may still be very early days for them right now, 'Satan Stop The Wheel' shows they are brimming with plenty of fresh and captivating ideas in which to explore. With such a firm and focused approach to their direction already, we can't wait to hear where this journey will take them next.

Have a listen to 'Satan Stop The Wheel' in the player below.