Hot Chip - 'Why Make Sense?'


As one of the modern purveyors of eccentric electronic music, Hot Chip have always been known to push the boundaries of their chosen genre and the release of their latest album is no different. Their sixth studio release 'Why Make Sense?' continues that path of experimentation and self-discovery but even with their reputation, it seems that they really have made an effort to be as varied as possible on this new record.

Essentially, 'Why Make Sense?' adds a conceptual question that the music attempts to answer. While this new work does indeed venture into new territory, most notably the introduction of a number of guest vocalists, the main goal of this record seems to be musical expression through an engaging and interesting production style. The bulk of the full-length seems to be a minimal yet refined sound that has allowed the group to bring their own leftfield vibe to a far more basic and less repetitive overall direction.

It may not be the dancefloor pleasing album that they have been known for creating in the past, but what this is is something far easier to get stuck into. Its overly inviting presence gives it a warm backdrop for them to coat in their own sense of originality.

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