Beans On Toast - 'Cushty'


Since the start of his career, frontman Jay McAllister has released a new album every year on the 1st December to coincide with his birthday. And with such a late release date every 12 months, it has given the frontman a chance to reflect back on each and every year, incorporating the mood of the world within every release. And while last year's 'A Spanner In The Works' was obviously jam-packed with Brexit and Trump, this time he seems more optimistic on his ninth full-length 'Cushty'.

As far as breaking down conventions go, Beans On Toast isn't really one to broaden his horizons. A simple song with vocals and a guitar will usually suffice every time and this new LP has that in spades. But while the title and general theme of the record may be about looking for the brighter sides of life, his natural cynicism obviously takes over and what we are actually hearing is a record about compromise and looking for smaller perks in daily life rather than worry about the big picture.

It may not have that instant grab factor of his previous album, but 'Cushty' still remains full of singalong anthems and a strong sense of self-awareness. Another year, and another Beans On Toast record, just as it ever was.

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